torsdag 6. januar 2011

Crew Captain

The crew have started to prepere every thing for my first crack at the ultra distance at UM UK 3th September 2011. I`m very glad to be ahead both in training and preparations with a very motivated Crew Captain. From this point I will name him Jason Bloodaxe.

Crew Captain - Jason Cordingley
Canoest - Michael Tildesley
Additional Crew -
Tony Hill (To Be Confirmed Sunday)
Ruth Cordingley - Runner and General Help

Todays leadphoto is from our US tour May 2010 swimming @Vail. A snow storm was passing us when Monica Byrn was correcting our technique.

I will do weekly updates from my traininglog and key sessions and maybe the crew also will share their experience thru the journy.

Let us see if we can get som photos out from our crewmembers.

Here is what comes to mind for my early seasson prep.:
  1. Train daily
  2. No sugar
  3. Sleep at least 8 h each night
  4. Execute your plan on a daily basis - no need for more
Tuesday key swim
Pace Change 150s
4x50 Easy on 10s rest
4x100 Middle 50 Steady on 15s rest
200 Easy on 15s rest
500 Steady with middle 200 Threshold
10x150 as 50 Easy (long strokes), 50 Build, 50 Steady on 15s rest
500 Steady with middle 200 Threshold
10x150 as 50 Easy (long strokes), 50 Fast, 50 Steady on 10s rest
500 Steady with middle 200 Threshold
If you use swim gear then OK to use paddles only for second 10x150
Cool Down

A lot of work in this swim, but I enjoyed it.

Wednesday key run 
Running of the bike after 2 x 18 min indoor progresive
This workout is scheduled for an hour but what counts is getting about 20-40 minutes worth of training around the bottom of your Steady Zone. I'm going to lay out a main set but the main thing is getting out the door! So if it feels like work to get started then ease into the session. You might surprise yourself once you've warmed up.
Start with ten minutes of easy running. The main set is 5x8 minutes continuous: if everything goes well you'll have each eight-minute interval done slightly faster. However, I do this workout 2-3 times a week and I only get it "right" a couple times per month!
So... 5x8 minutes, or 5x a distance that will take about 8 minutes. If you subscribe to my Twitter Feed (endurancecorner) then you'll see that I run laps of a local lake. For me, each lap is 1,850 meters so I can check pace. The name of the game is:
Lap 1 - Easy pace
Laps 2 & Laps 3 - Steady pace
Laps 4 & 5 - Sit just under the top of your Mod-Hard HR zone
While I track pace, I don't worry about it. In other words, you can spike your HR if you are worried. So relax,

Running of the bike (2 x 18 progresive) today to catch up with JO.
Easy HR is >130
Steady is HR 137-145
MH is HR 154-158
My loop was out 1500 m and back again, total 3000 m. The darkens made me to chooce this way to do it. A touch high on HR for the mh segment today.
132 / 140 / 8:27 / 5:38 pace
143 / 147 / 7:46 / 5:10 pace
143 / 148 / 7:48 / 5:11 pace
158 / 162 / 6:27 / 4:18 pace
162 / 169 / 6:22 / 4:14 pace

Stay tuned and keep in touch!
Jan Hugo

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