tirsdag 24. mai 2011

750 m swim - 20 k bike - 5 k run

7 guys at the start line for our local "training race". My team viking buddy JO offers good feedback since he is a strong trainingpartner and normal a faster runner than me. I took the lead from the start at the swim and was able to ROCK it all way too the finish line. Was ahead the chasing bunch with 2 min and 36 sec at the end. Avg 1:34/100 pace for the swim and 273 W for the ride and 3:58 min pr k for the run. Both swim and bike seasson best performance. Some confusing feedbacks from my brick leading up too the race compared to my run times, but overall I am very happy to nail the swim and bike. The run was a mind game. In sort of a way the pain from a short race is harder to deal with than longer races. kept telling myself when running - keep your head in there, all way thru the finsih line, I love pain and have a lot more of it in my store, so bring it on :)
Finished with 1 h 04 min and f* 1 sec.

Lessons who comes to mind after this race:
Dont excpect better times at your race than done in training.
Don`t do paper races leading up to your event. It want make you happy. (I`m a "paper race expert", so far I have never got it(clock) correct and it alwas makes me look fast(er).   
Free your mind and just RACE :) the clock will take care of it self.  

Still on a low volume calendar, but trust my coach 100% and just love the fact that I`m soon in Boulder for 90 days with preparations before the BIG challange at UM UK.

My first part of the seasson is over and I have learned a ton so far in 2011. More about that later.

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